Today's shoot includes a couple of Veteran, New Members of the Elmira Heights Fire Department, so their likeness's can be included on the wall display at the #7 House. We also had a special guest.....
Check out your Pix Gang!
Sorry it took so long but Good Things Take TIME! Seriously, I had some unexpected things come up between capturing your shoot and now, and I just wanted to get these ri.....
Here are some images from Sunday Night's big Prescott Avenue Monster Warehouse Fire in Elmira Heights!
Had to laugh....I was called in by my Buddy Horseheads FD Chief Artie I duste.....
Hi there Horsehead's Fire Peeps! Sorry for the wait, but I've been busy as hell! It took me a long time to create the neat Fire Fighter Baseball type card Images for each of you. I think they cam.....